
mission im-bumb-able

james has decided he likes to sit straight up. therefore we thought the bumbo chair would be a perfect investment. he already has more seating options than ben and i combined so why not add one more. we decided to use our lunch break to go purchase the new throne for our little prince. well, the stars were not aligned with three failed attempts: 1.) toys r us only had 4 pink bumbo chairs. our son was not about to hang out in a pink throne. 2.) baby depot doesn't even sell bumbos. and 3.) we braced ourselves for the baby mecca and germ factory, babies r us. we pull into the parking lot and it was eeirily empty. we knew something wasn't right. it was closed! the recent storm activity had knocked out the power. urg. defeated we ate a quick bite and returned to work.
later that even ben's mother called. he told her about the bumbo mission and how his son NEEDS one convincing her to go to target and see if they have one to purchase. bingo! they have two. both purple. my husband decides that purple can be manly and we NEED it so she should get it. finally the bumbo arrives. it's ours and ben can't wait to open it. (he loves opening packages as i've noted before) he dives into the box pulls it out and is speechless. this dark purple, can be manly bumbo is actually a lilac, light purple, one step away from pink chair. immediately he decides we can use it for a night but it will be going back for a blue or green one as soon as they are in stock. period.
james is a little too small but he is getting used to it and seems to enjoy it. since we didn't want him to feel like a little girl, we had to make his chair more manly. spray paint? no. bumper stickers or sports logos?? no.

halloween decorations! skull and crossbones.


to give more neck support we have rigged a pillow behind his head and placed him with a great view of the tv.

we still plan one trading in the lilac, girl chair for a more manly throne. i'm thinking we should keep the manly tradition alive and transfer the skull as well. i think james will really like his chair when he has more head control. until then, let's hope his thighs don't get too big so he'll fit. if he does, he might try to rig that one as well. i wouldn't put it past us. bumbo macgyver style.

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