
jungle gym.

yay for warm weather. james got a playhouse/sports center/slide/jungle gym for christmas but it hasn't gotten much use. until now...


and keens!!

james is picky about whether he'll wear a hat or not. if mr. h or i am wearing one, there is a much better chance. we put it facing forward and he flipped it backward. cool kid.

see that circle he is looking out of? well, that is actually a place to practice throwing a football. we're not there yet but one day. now he looks out of it and i tried and tried to get the perfect picture.

well, while james was having fun, i wasn't getting that image of his head placed perfectly center and smiling with sunshine delight.

i got close...

but no cigar.

regardless i still love the image. it brings back the spring time memory. james is going to love this thing more and more. he will just play and play and entertain himself on the jungle gym. he'll take turns slam dunking the basketball and climbing the back to go down the slide. he'll stand at the top like he is king of the world and squeal.


it is so versatile. obviously.

you think a little girl would have done this?

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